Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Super Committee

Super __ committee Of The Active Fault Blame Game :

The failure of the super-committee to agree on reducing the U.S. deficit means we are now deep into the blame game, positioning for next year's presidential elections.

President Barack Obama accuses Republicans, determined to protect the wealthiest U.S. is at all costs.

Republicans accuse it a lack of leadership and Democrats for an addiction to tax increases will kill jobs.

The lack of consensus will trigger savage cutbacks, particularly in the defense budget. It was the idea - that the alternative is so bad they would have to agree.
Super Committee
The White House intends to keep pressure on Republicans, giving them a choice - in many cases - to break their promise not to put up with taxes, or put the country at risk.

The statement by the Defence Minister, Leon Panetta, issued directly after the committee announced the defeat, is designed to cool your blood and send shivers down my spine.
It prevents automatic cuts in the budget would "tear a nail in the defense of the nation" and "lead to a hollow force, unable to support the tasks they are assigned."
In view of the terrible warning that you would think they would support the Republican Congress McKenon Buck, who says he will submit a bill to stop the automatic release and prevent the "cold" U.S. Army .

But no. President Obama warned that he would veto any such attempt.

"There is no easy exit ramps in it," he said.

"We must keep the pressure to compromise - no pressure.

"The only way to view these spending cuts do not occur if Congress can get back to work and is a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $ 1.2TR".

Mr. Panetta, of course, the back of his chair.

"I join the President in Congress to prevent the easy way out of this crisis," he said.

"Congress can not simply tie off the mechanism, but must pass a deficit reduction of at least $ 1.2 trillion lower than that recorded in the financial statements of the law of control."

The White House may not have wanted to failure, but it is in their game plan.

When they are very pleased that political competition is Obama V Congress, not a real Republican candidate.

All next year, they allow the idea to hang in the air, the Republicans would rather protect the rich against the disappearance of the tax cuts of the Bush era than protecting their country against attack.

The Republican candidate will be put on the spot about which he or she prefers.

Notes from the President are not large. But the latest survey suggests that only 9% of Americans respected Congress.

President Obama will not be too upset if it is driven even lower, and a Republican candidate is related to the decisions of his party in the House and Senate.