Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Patriots Meaning

Patriotism is a devotion to his country, apart from differences caused by the dependence of meaning in terms of context, geography and philosophy. In a general sense for all countries and peoples, patriotism is devotion to his country.
There is a sense of nationalism linked.
The English word patriot is the first demonstration of Elizabethan times by the late French Latin East (Century 6) Patriot "compatriot" late Greek πατριώτης (Patriots) "escort" πατρίς, "homeland". The name of patriotism summary appears in the 18th century.

Patriots Meaning

In the 18th century classical patriotism was loyalty to the state first and foremost seen as opposed to loyalty to the church and it was argued that priests should not be allowed to teach in public schools as their home was heaven, so they could not inspire patriotism in their students. One of the most influential proponents of the classical notion of patriotism was Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
By contrast, in 1774, Samuel Johnson published The Patriot, a critique of what he saw as false patriotism. On the night of April 7, 1775, was made the famous statement: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."This line was not, as is believed, about patriotism in general, but the counterfeiting of "patriotism" of John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute (the patriot-minister) and his followers opposed Johnson proclaimed "patriots "in general, but what he saw as a" true "patriotism.

Patriotism can strengthen their commitment to religion (civil religion, or even a theocracy). This is the opposite of separation between church and state required by the Enlightenment thinkers, who saw patriotism and faith as opposing forces. Others, such as Michael Billig or Jean Bethke Elshtain argue that the distinction is difficult to discern, and relies largely on the attitude of labeling.

Patriots Meaning

In the European Union, thinkers such as Habermas calls a Euro-patriotism, the patriotism, but in Europe is generally directed to the nation-state and often coincides with Euroscepticism.

Several studies have attempted to measure the patriotism of a variety of reasons, such as war-related project has found a correlation between the vulnerability of the war and patriotism. Results of several studies are time dependent. For example, patriotism in Germany before the Great War (WWI), or first place, and today is one of patriotism or the bottom of the studies. Score table below is patriotism from World Values ​​Survey and refers to the average high-income earners live in response to the question: "Are you proud of [insert nationality]?" They range from 1 (not proud) to 4 (very proud).