Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kyle Orton Waived

If Colts Claim Exemptions Out Kyle Orton? 

One of the few positives to come from a 00-10 record, the Indianapolis Colts and keep the waiver priority number 1 - that is, get first crack at any player who has recently been published. Through 10 games, ranking thirtieth Colts offense Yards passing, 32 yards Fri Attempt (YPA), touchdowns in step 30, and 31 in QB rating.

Yesterday, the Denver Broncos in turn decided to launch a week for Kyle Orton. While Orton did not win many games in two seasons (4-14), which has achieved respectable figures: 58.8% complete, YPG 257, and a 28:16 TD: INT ratio. Orton would represent a significant improvement in the position of quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts.

So if the Colts claim to the waivers? After all, Colts are quick drawing of luck Andrew, and has won a few games without feeling the stretch in 2011 could threaten the overall project no choice April 1.
Kyle Orton Waived
My take: Yes, the Colts definitely need to take Kyle Orton, a number of reasons. First, the Colts offense needs change over the last six weeks of the season. When Curtis Painter and Dan Orlovsky in the center, the offense is not accomplish much. It 'hard for young players like Anthony Castonzo, Delone Carter and Donald Brown, is to develop their talents, the quarterback position works so poorly. Bring quality QB like Orton would do wonders for this offense, and should develop some momentum offseason. Although it might not seem like a great consolation prize for Colts fans, understand this: The Detroit Lions moved some success this season will start in 2010, and went to the NFL laugh (now Colts), is a 7-3 team wants to make the playoffs for the first time in ten years.

Second, says Kyle Orton proved to the fans (and the rest of the NFL) that the Colts are really tanking their season, also known as "ball for luck." It is painfully obvious that Curtis Painter is not a caliber quarterback in the NFL, and Dan "RunOutOfTheBackOfTheEndZone" Orlovsky is not. Returning Kyle Orton, a veteran quarterback, showed that the Colts are still trying to improve as a team. Passing on him would show that the Colts management do not care about winning a football match in 2011. This is an opportunity for Jim Irsay, Bill Polian and Jim Caldwell to return to the fans. I think I speak for all Colts fans when I say this: I am tired of seeing Curtis Painter launch our attack.

While Kyle Orton would be the antenna through the painter Orlovsky, I do not think I would be the cost of the Colts # 1 choice overall project in April. Colts is a 2-game lead over Minnesota Vikings, Carolina Panthers and the Rams in St. Louis and the three-game lead over the Washington Redskins, Arizona Cardinals, Miami Dolphins and Jacksonville Jaguars. If Orton was signed, is not the first Colts next Sunday - it would be unrealistic to give him a team of five starts. Why just how bad our defense is playing, and the upcoming schedule (Carolina @ New England, @ Baltimore, Tennessee, Houston, Jacksonville, @), it is difficult to imagine that a team can win more than a game or two.

Last but not least, is the flexibility that would give Orton in 2012. Orton is under contract until 2012, and make him lose at the end of next season will probably win a round draft pick East compensation for the Colts. Meanwhile, Orton could serve as an assurance team to Peyton Manning, though Manning was injured in 2012 (or never come back healthy). It could act as a mentor to Andrew Luck (or another rookie QB) Peyton Manning if retired, is traded or cut. Have at least one healthy, competent QB on the list would give Colts more control and flexibility in the draft in April, and not to force the team to draft a QB by any means necessary. And given the uncertainty of the health of Peyton, Colts brass would be foolish not to bring in another QB quality.