Wednesday, October 5, 2011

chris cooley

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We are all touched by cancer in some way ... and we all have the power to make a difference. That's why I decided to fight here in our community. Third Annual Cooley care, held on Monday 10 October. The event will be Clyde Ashburn. This year, the revenue goes to two different organizations:

The IIIb have - is a local organization that does amazing things to support women through cancer treatment.

Virginia Hospital Center - Breast Health Reinsch Pierce Family. (The video on this site says it all - Tanner and I are invited to the press conference) of the wedding, amazing place. They are responsible for my life.

In the last three years, my motto became "hope!" We must all hope. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy every day. I feel fortunate that I always felt I had expected. Everyone should be able to have hope.

I hope you will be able to join me and my family and friends for a wonderful fun event. Last year, it was such a success! We had guests, including Colt Brennen, Mike Sellers, Reed Doughty, Danny Smith, and much more. This is a good time to hang out, get autographs property purchase, and win the drawings. If you can not join us, but still want to donate, simply click on the donation.

Thanks in advance for your support. Together we will celebrate, remember and fight. Nancy Cooley - Cancer - three years!

This is my story. "You have cancer" this year, hundreds of thousands of people who hear the words On May 16, 2008, was one of them on a Friday while driving to work. I received a call from my doctor told me I had breast cancer. It was a week before the wedding of Chris and Christy. I had many parents come to town this weekend weekend and next week. Instead of being able to concentrate on each one to see and celebrate the wedding of Chris and Christy, the only thoughts in my head: "I have cancer." Since Monday the week of marriage, my days were as follows: Monday - Meeting a breast surgeon told me my cancer was stage 3. Tuesday - Meeting of a plastic surgeon who described how he was able to rebuild my body after the operation would need. Wednesday - have an MRI and PET. Thursday - an oncologist told me that the meeting of the chemotherapy was going to have to suffer. Friday - marriage.

Tuesday is next week, I was, ECHO, cardiac monitor if I was strong enough to tolerate chemotherapy. Wednesday - I had a small surgery and the gate was pushed into my chest, and chemotherapy. Thursday - I had chemotherapy for advice. Last Friday, I had my first chemotherapy treatment, the process begins long journey to treatment and overcome evil, the rapid growth of the cancer.

My doctors are truly angels! Miracle Workers, I call them. I want to thank them for the work they do. They are Dr. Stephanie Akbari, Dr. Steven Davison, Dr. Mary Wilkinson, Dr. Jeffery Moulds and Dr. Keith Belote. I could not have asked for a more cohesive team of doctors to help me fight against this horrible disease.

I would also like to thank the grandson of the wedding, Brooke Brandt, who you all know as the infamous "Beandip". He gave four months of life, take care of me during chemo, and nurse me back to health after surgery. He never left my side during this period. It also has an angel on earth!

My good friend, Martha Belote, is also an angel here. She has been with me since day one. Take me to medical appointments, sitting in the hospital for hours while undergoing surgery - and a maximum of six (over 30 hours) and took me to chemo and radiation, on the work, but more importantly provided is there a good wine and good food.
Thanks to my son, and Chris Tanner, that all my life and the reason I have the strength to fight this disease. I am very proud of each one. They are remarkable young men. I want to be there to see my grandchildren and be part of their lives. There are many more family, friends and students who helped me have the strength and courage to make it through each day. Thank you all!

I spent four months of chemotherapy, surgery - now has six, and 28 radiation treatments over the past three years. Reconstruction is underway to try to rebuild my broken body. I know these treatments are not available without the help of funds raised for research of this terrible disease.

The last three years I have met many women who are fighting cancer - Kathy Noel, Queen, Karin, Della, and Kim. These are the six women who have given me to feel that they had breast cancer. They are all mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. I am very grateful that they too have fought cancer with success so far. There are so many more people, not just women who are fighting cancer. We need to end this madness!

On Monday we have on October 10 at Clyde's in Ashburn hosts third annual event Cooley Cure. Although the last two years has had a great time and very successful events in the city to help this year, so plan to be the best yet.
Tickets are $ 65 and includes food, beer, wine and soft drinks. Doors open at 7 and the event ends at 10. We should have some players who hang around and auction items to purchase large. Please use the PayPal button to purchase your ticket. Once you buy your ticket, print your receipt and bring it with you to the event. You will receive a wristband at the door. You can buy your ticket or a donation using the buttons below. Thanks for your support!